I LOVE Twitter. Do not get me wrong. Having it and my Blackberry is like having a little pocketful of friends wherever I go. Always someone to talk to or get an opinion from. And I dearly love all of my followers.
However, I do have some pet peeves about how some tweeps use it. I'm not there to lecture anyone, but this is my blog, so I can express my own opinion here.
#FollowFriday is a day to recognize your friends who you would like to give a shout out for others to possibly discover if they are not following already. Three things bother me about Follow Friday.
- 1. People tweet meaningless lists all day which give me no real clue as to why anyone is following anyone else.
- 2. People throughout the day only retweet (post again) the lists that include their name, not choosing their lists personally.
- 3. People who use their own user name in every list they post.
Now, that said, there are a few that do creative #FollowFriday lists effectively. Take @Gary1980Arb or @Paulbritphoto. But they took the time with these and to come up with something more inventive than the average "name list" tweets.
The new list service that Twitter provides is cool in a pinch, but does anyone REALLY look at them? I guess time will tell as it is all relatively new.
I try very hard to do #FollowFriday justice for the friends I recommend. If I am not going to personalize it, I just feel like I should not do it at all for the week. I do still find that my best follows and followers have come from watching who my pals on Twitter are talking to.
Again, this is all strictly my opinion and not meant to preach to anyone on the use of Twitter.
Thanks for reading!
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